As always, good times at both nights of
Anders Osborne’s Christmas Spectacular at
Tipitinas!! Both nights Anders was backed by Ron Johnson-bass, Chad Cromwell-drums, David Torkanowski-keys et al….Night 1 guests were John Mooney, G Love and Big Chief Monk Boudreaux opening. Night 2 guests included Steve Earle, Helen Gillet, Leyla McCalla, and Benny Bloom who sat in on a few which was very nice, and regrettably I missed Alvin Youngblood Hart opening on night 2, watched it on nugsnet, amazing as always…see below for link ….Here are a few from both nights, really enjoyed seeing my man John Mooney onstage with Anders, and of course Big Chief Monk Boudreaux on night 1, Helen Gillet and Steve Earle were amazing as well………both shows are viewable on Nugsnet,
AO Xmas Spec Night 1 ,
AO Xmas Spec Night 2 You can view all stills from both nights All Rights Reserved ©2005-2020 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian
#andersosborne #singer #drums #blues #music #photography #concertphotography #livemusic #jerrymoranphotography #nativeorleanian #rock #guitars #funk #nativeorleanianfinephotography #nativeorleanian #louisianafunk #funk #livemusic #concertphotography #blues #rockphotography #art #artgallery #jazz #rockphotography #rockandrollphotography #tipitinas
©2005-2016 Native Orleanian Fine Photography~the photography of Jerry Moran