As always, Dragon Smoke was killin it at Tipitinas over the weekend!! I guess one positive thing to come out of covid is getting a double dose of these guys within 2 months…. #musicismedecine. Here are a few choice captures, the rest available for viewing at Enjoy!! All Rights Reserved ©2005-2021 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian #blues #music #photography #concertphotography #livemusic #jerrymoranphotography #nativeorleanian #rock #guitars #funk #musicfest #nativeorleanianfinephotography #nativeorleanian #funk #livemusic #concertphotography #blues #rockphotography #art #artgallery #rockphotography #rockandrollphotography #musicismedecine #nolamusic #Stantonmoore #ericlindell #ivanneville #robertmercurio #grisgris #tipitinas #neworleansphotos, #neworleansphotography #nola #nolamusic #dragonsmoke
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