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Quite honestly, I had bagged the idea of shooting Fleetwood Mac at Jazz Fest, especially after finding out there would be no photo pit for the show, in addition to the massive crowd, and yes bigger than Bruce......coupled with the track being impassable(Hey Jazz Fest, something needs to be done about the chairs on the's just a bad situation waiting to happen)......I digress.....So I found myself being thoroughly entertained by the likes of Stanley Jordan in the Jazz Tent and Los Lobos in the Blues Tent. All the time hearing the Mac in the distance.......on the way out, I thought, I made a pass by the stage and to my delight, the crowd had thinned enough to make my way to the stage, all that was in the way was a deep sea of mud similar to what I crossed to get to Willie at the Gentilly Stage yesterday, minus the slippery cliffs........a journey well worth taking.... Enjoy the pics Jerry ;-) Many more pics from the day to come, like the Joe Krown Trio with Walter “Wolfman” Washington, MUTEMATH, Galactic, and the aforementioned.......Today is an early day for me at the fest, Ernie Vincent and the Top Notes who I manage are opening the Blues Tent, along with D.L. Menard at Fais Do Do......and whatever comes after that......©2005-2013 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian LLC More pics and a musical slideshow can be seen at