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If you ever wanted to purchase some of my work, or get that PERFECT Christmas Gift (Christmas is NEXT WEEK), you may want to take a look here, I have priced ALL of my on hand inventory including canvases sized from 16x24 to 30x45 at greater than 40% off thru CHRISTMAS DAY and placed images of the actual pieces on this
page for you to peruse at your leisure. Each item has a description and price with discount pre-applied.The same type discount applies to all on hand prints, if your not living in New Orleans and have an interest, just send me a list of what your lookin for and I'll let ya know what I have in stock. If I don't have it you can use the 35% off Christmas Cheer Coupon in all other galleries. At Checkout, just enter "cheer35" . I had a similar sale over the summer for Fathers Day which was a huge success so take a peek to see whats available at these rock bottom prices.
And no, I'm not going out of business, I just want to turn over my on hand inventory, freshen up the walls in the studio/gallery, and most importantly, continue the process of repackaging my work, while passing on substantial savings to my clients, both existing and new, so take a look and indulge if you'd like .
As you know there's a lot to look at!! I sincerely hope all of you have been well, and would like to wish you and your loved ones the Happiest of Holiday Seasons. If I don't see or hear from ya, I wish you the best, 2015 is right around the corner, ready or not! ! As always, if you are in town, don't hesitate to contact me to set up a viewing appointment or visit anytime, 504-201-2202. And if you not in town, that's OK, just drop me a line anytime, look forward to hearing from ya'll!!.
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