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Taken 31-Mar-12
Visitors 13

2 of 33 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1250 x 850
Original file size1.19 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken31-Mar-12 23:36
Date modified1-Apr-12 14:03


Here are some pics from the Royal Southern Brotherhood show with Tab Benoit at Rock n Bowl last night where RSB unleashed a lot of the new music from their debut CD to be released May 8th. This was the first taste for many at Rock n Bowl who were treated to to a great show. Great to see a lot of friends and familiar faces at the show........RSB will be playing at French Quarter Fest on the big stage closing out the fest prior to Trombone Shorty....can't wait for that!! Enjoy the Pics....jerry;-)