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Taken 15-Jun-12
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12 of 43 photos
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Dimensions1250 x 1848
Original file size2.33 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken15-Jun-12 22:23
Date modified24-Jun-12 11:17


And then there was Nashville, the last day of Royal Southern Brotherhood's Tennessee Swing. Once arriving to Nashville, the band had a couple promotional appearances to make , one being a radio interview and Nashville's Classic Hits 97.1 and then on to stripped down in-store appearance with Mike Zito, Cyril Neville, and Devon Allman at Grimey's Preloved Music Record Store. Haven't seen so many LP's in one place in a while, reminded me of the old days at the Mushroom and Leisure Landing where I used to hang out in these places all day...... The band then headed off that evening to another awesome club, 3rd and Lindsley(very cool place I'd like to go back to), where Johnny Sansone opened once again and joined RSB on stage later to rock the house. There was a real nice crowd out to see RSB once again, peppered with some Nashville Industry peeps. Had the pleasure of meeting the incredibly talented and beautiful singer/songwriter Bekka Bramlett, in addition to guitarist Bart Walker who joined RSB on stage for the last couple tunes which was a real treat. Good times in Nashville, hope to get back soon! RSB is on an extensive tour right now so check for when they will be in your hood, don't miss these guys if they are in your area! Enjoy the pics! More images with a musical slideshow can be seen at