It didn't matter whether it was raining with lightning and thunder, the people were coming out to pay their respects to Uncle Lionel Batiste with a massive spirited Second Line. I arrived in over at Tuba Fats Square around 4 walking through a steady downpour with a less than sufficient umbrella. On the way there it was obvious that something big was about to happen. On my six or seven block walk, across the street from the Quarter, behind me from Treme and St. Claude and in front of me, people dressed out in white all converging on one spot, Tuba Fats Square and the Candlelight Lounge where the Second Line would begin. With the rains comin down most people were outside and some were in the Candlelight getting “tuned up” with the Brass Band and in no real rush. Around 5:30 or so the rain had slacked and I wandered outsidewith my friend Andy Levin, he told me somethin's goin on....I saw Benny Jones walkin up St Phillip towards N. Claiborne and asked him whats goin on, he said, “Lining up, and pointed to the parking lot behind Charbonnet Funeral Home”. I followed the brass band and realized this was how they were gonna get everyone to follow and basically go around the block to line up the Second Line......The Brass Band was in high gear at this point and I saw why when we turned the corner behind Charbonnet. There was a garage door that the initial Second Line approached and the first guy started knocking , followed by a second, and a third....this was the back door to Charbonnet Funeral home, I then realized they were knockin for Unc...........with the band playin louder and louder, they kept knockin......there was no answer, at least not of this world.....after an amount of time went by that I really couldn't tell you how long it was, one of the Grand Marshals pointed around the building, a sign to everyone to move on and begin the Second Line celebration of Uncle Lionel Batiste's life and legacy......Initially when this was was happening, my eyes started well up with tears as they are now while writing this.....That passed in time and the Second Line proceeded back to N. Robertson and slowly proceeded along a shortened route, ending at Sweet Lorraine's......As you can see in the images, there were hundreds perhaps thousands of people in the Second Line and more waiting on the streets for it to pass and then join it...when we crossed Esplanade the second Line flooded both sides of St Claude all the way to Sweet Lorraine's.....It was quite a day and beautiful in many many ways......bittersweet but beautiful....Enjoy the pics, more and a musical slideshow at http://www.nativeorleanian.org/july_13_second_line_uncle_lionel_batiste
Jerry ©2005-2012 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian LLC
©2005-2012 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian LLC