Sooo these shows were shot shot less than a week before back surgery whenever that was last month, I remember it being very painful but, you can’t see it in the pictures because music is medicine, can’t wait to catch up with me friend #SamanthaFish and her band in New York in December, y’all are killing in every single one of y’all!! Miss y’all and hope to see you soon!! If you’re in Denmark the UK or “no”?? Samantha is playing through November Heading back stateside New York in December where I’ll hook up with her and Louie Fontaine, don’t miss it, that’s all I’ve got to say, more pictures from the Bogalusa Blues Fest 2017 from Samantha and Luther Dickinson and a few others I’ll get to the next couple days. Enjoy;-) Still have #andersosborne and a few others to go....
Samantha Fish Killin it at Blues, "Bogalusa Blues Festival 2017", "Jerry Moran", "Johnny Vidacovich", "Live Music Festival Shoots", "Live Music Photography", "Luther Dickinson", "Native Orleanain Fine Photography", "New Orleans Art Gallery", "New Orleans Photos", "New orleans heritage", "New orleans photography", "new orleans culture"
©2005-2016 Native Orleanian Fine Photography~the photography of Jerry Moran