What an incredible show last Thursday evening at Tipitinas with The Chris Robinson Brotherhood who were just slay’n it with deep psychedelic grooves for the greater part of 2 long sets with a healthy dose of new material from the band’s upcoming album,
Anyway You Love, We Know How You Feel, (Pre-ordered yesterday!!
) which was right on time for this photog who missed the show late last year and had a job cancel last minute on this evening allowing me to gladly indulge. Some serious guitar work goin down with Neal Casal et al.....stayed long after the camera work was done for this one..... Great to see Chris Robinsonm pushing the artistic limits with CRB , amazing show! And got to see a ton of good friends as lagniappe, go figure....Enjoy and be sure to catch CRB when they swing your way......Many more pics and a musical slideshow will be added to
http://www.nativeorleanian.org/chris_robinson_brotherhood_tipitinas_60916 All Rights Reserved ©2005-2016 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian LLC
©2005-2016 Native Orleanian Fine Photography~the photography of Jerry Moran