Another killah #dragonsmoke show at #tipitinas as always ! What a m’rf’n show..... it’s always something special in these cats get together and be a treated to another December show this year... hell yeah, just when I needed a heavy dose.......great see’n all of you!! See ya at OEJ’s Jazz Fest Tuesday...... enjoy the pix, complete Gallery I musical slideshow can be viewed at All Rights Reserved ©2005-2017 singer #drums #guitars #blues #music #photography #concertphotography #livemusic #jerrymoranphotograpy #nativeorleanian #rock #guitars #funk #musicfest #nativeorleanianfinephotography #nativeorleanian #louisianafunk #funk #livemusic #concertphotography #blues #rockphotography #art #artgallery #grisgris #rockphotography #rockandrollphotography #blues #musicismedecine #stantonmoore #ivanneville #robertmercurio #ericlindell
©2005-2016 Native Orleanian Fine Photography~the photography of Jerry Moran