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Gallery Exhibit: Preserving Second Line Culture -CLOSING RECEPTION 1-26-17 6-8 pm
Gallery Exhibit: Preserving Second Line Culture - Opening Reception Nov. 12
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A few orders packed and shipped this week from Native Orleanian Fine Photography
Art for permanent display in the new George and Joyce Wein Jazz and Heritage Center
Voice of the Wetlands Allstars at Harvest the Music 10-23-13
Every once in a while, (or every day perhaps), I am reminded why we are so damn spoiled to live here New Orleans. The pulse of the culture(s) of south Louisiana beat's within all of us and it's misty dew(if one chooses to receive) protects us from the tragedy of a mundane existence. The Voice of the Wetlands Allstars played last night for the Harvest the Music series at Lafayette Square to a pretty large crowd as expected. This was the second time in a few weeks I have seen the band with Johnny Vidacovich and Stanton Moore both on drums, last night that's pretty damn special......and as Johnny leaves for another gig, Terrence Higgens plops down in his seat and takes over without missin a beat. Somethin else was different last night too......Cyril Neville and Big Chief Monk Boudreaux are on the Blues Cruise so they weren't avail., which at first thought is kinda sacrilegious......
vow_allstars_harvest_the_music_lafayette_sq__jm_nofp_102313_038Every once in a while, (or every day perhaps), I am reminded why we are so damn spoiled to live here New Orleans. The pulse of the culture(s) of south Louisiana beat's within all of us and it's misty dew(if one chooses to receive) protects us from the tragedy of a mundane existence. The Voice of the Wetlands Allstars played last night for the Harvest the Music series at Lafayette Square to a pretty large crowd as expected. This was the second time in a few weeks I have seen the band with Johnny Vidacovich and Stanton Moore both on drums, last night thats pretty damn special......and as Johnny leaves for another gig, Terrence Higgens plops down in his seat and takes over without missin a beat. Somethin else was different last night too......Cyril Neville and Big Chief Monk Boudreaux are on the Blues Cruise so they weren't avail., which at first thought is kinda problem, before the show I asked Rueben how we were gonna handle that absence of culture? He pointed back towards Camp St. and said, “I got “Honey” (Bannister) and some other indians comin through the crowd at the time Monk usually takes the stage.” Also added to the line up for the first time was Tommy Malone which was very cool, and my man Anders Osborne was a special guest....As Cyril would say, “We make a good gumbo” and last night was a perfect example......Even when short a couple important ingredients, we figure out a way to make due or even make better sometimes........last night was somewhere in the middle of “due and better”..........Add all of the aforementioned to Tab Benoit, Johnny Sansone, Waylon Thibodeaux, and Corey Duplechin, and you have a pretty damn good version of the Voice of the Wetlands Allstars, one both Cyril and Monk would be proud of......incredible show last night.......Enjoy the pics....Jerry ;-) More pics and a musical slideshow can be seen at no problem, before the show I asked Rueben how we were gonna handle that absence of culture? He pointed back towards Camp St. and said, “I got “Honey” (Bannister) and some other indians comin through the crowd at the time Monk usually takes the stage.” Also added to the line up for the first time was Tommy Malone which was very cool, and my man Anders Osborne was a special guest....As Cyril would say, “We make a good gumbo” and last night was a perfect example......Even when short a couple important ingredients, we figure out a way to make due or even make better sometimes........last night was somewhere in the middle of “due and better”..........Add all of the aforementioned to Tab Benoit, Johnny Sansone, Waylon Thibodeaux, and Corey Duplechin, and you have a pretty damn good version of the Voice of the Wetlands Allstars, one both Cyril and Monk would be proud of......incredible show last night.......Enjoy the pics and the musical slideshow, of course playin "We Make a Good Gumbo" recorded in NY at the Hiro Ballroom on a n East Coast swing a few years ago....Jerry ;-)
Harvest the music,
Johnny Vidacovich,
Lafayette Square,
Live Music Shoots,
Live music photography,
Native Orleanian Fine Photography,
Stanton Moore,
Tab Benoit,
Tommy Malone,
Voice of the wetlands All-Stars,
jerry moran,
new orleans culture
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