On Bruce Springsteen, I've seen “The Boss
bruce_springsteen_jazz_fest_jm_050314_006On Bruce Springsteen, I've seen “The Boss” 3 times now at Jazz Fest, all most memorable but for distinctly different reasons. The first was right after Katrina in 2006 when Bruce Springsteen brought his freshly formed Seeger Sessions Band to New Orleans bringing his storytelling, musicianship and healing powers to a down ,but no way near out, population in New Orleans, soothing the crowd with a special folk infused show, which was new for him yet amazing considering the collective conscience at that time......I specifically recall "My City of Ruins."(with tears while writing) being a watershed moment in the show......The show reminded me of church, and I never left my pew........The second time I saw Springsteen, he was with the E-Street Band infusing the show with emotions that reflected a recovery, less somber more upbeat...... and that was a great show too......and then this years, the most powerful(on the positive) one of the three. I was backstage after shooting Voice of the Wetlands Allstars and saw Bruce and the Band come out of a semi where they gathered for a minute , then in single file all following “The Boss” whose gait was one of supreme confidence.......ready to go kick some rock'n roll ass for a few hours.....which they did...... I wandered with Johnny Sansone and Christy up to the right side where we could see pretty good. That's when I noticed the shit eatin grin on Springsteen's face, the dude was havin just a ball and wore it on his sleeves(as he always has). Fortunately I was able to capture a few nice images of “The Boss” that convey something close to what I attempt to describe......Jerry ;-) ©2005-2014 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian LLC Many more pics and a musical slideshow will be added to <a target="_blank" href="http://www.nativeorleanian.org/new_orleans_jazz_and_heritage_festival_2014">http://www.nativeorleanian.org/new_orleans_jazz_and_heritage_festival_2014</a>
” 3 times now at Jazz Fest, all most memorable but for distinctly different reasons. The first was right after Katrina in 2006 when Bruce Springsteen brought his freshly formed Seeger Sessions Band to New Orleans bringing his storytelling, musicianship and healing powers to a down ,but no way near out, population in New Orleans, soothing the crowd with a special folk infused show, which was new for him yet amazing considering the collective conscience at that time......I specifically recall "My City of Ruins."(with tears while writing) being a watershed moment in the show......The show reminded me of church, and I never left my pew ........The second time I saw Springsteen, he was with the E-Street Band infusing the show with emotions that reflected a recovery, less somber more upbeat...... and that was a great show too......and then this years, the most powerful(on the positive) one of the three. I was backstage after shooting Voice of the Wetlands Allstars and saw Bruce and the Band come out of a semi where they gathered for a minute , then in single file all following “The Boss” whose gait was one of supreme confidence.......ready to go kick some rock'n roll ass for a few hours.....which they did......
bruce_springsteen_jazz_fest_jm_050314_004On Bruce Springsteen, I've seen “The Boss” 3 times now at Jazz Fest, all most memorable but for distinctly different reasons. The first was right after Katrina in 2006 when Bruce Springsteen brought his freshly formed Seeger Sessions Band to New Orleans bringing his storytelling, musicianship and healing powers to a down ,but no way near out, population in New Orleans, soothing the crowd with a special folk infused show, which was new for him yet amazing considering the collective conscience at that time......I specifically recall "My City of Ruins."(with tears while writing) being a watershed moment in the show......The show reminded me of church, and I never left my pew........The second time I saw Springsteen, he was with the E-Street Band infusing the show with emotions that reflected a recovery, less somber more upbeat...... and that was a great show too......and then this years, the most powerful(on the positive) one of the three. I was backstage after shooting Voice of the Wetlands Allstars and saw Bruce and the Band come out of a semi where they gathered for a minute , then in single file all following “The Boss” whose gait was one of supreme confidence.......ready to go kick some rock'n roll ass for a few hours.....which they did...... I wandered with Johnny Sansone and Christy up to the right side where we could see pretty good. That's when I noticed the shit eatin grin on Springsteen's face, the dude was havin just a ball and wore it on his sleeves(as he always has). Fortunately I was able to capture a few nice images of “The Boss” that convey something close to what I attempt to describe......Jerry ;-) ©2005-2014 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian LLC Many more pics and a musical slideshow will be added to <a target="_blank" href="http://www.nativeorleanian.org/new_orleans_jazz_and_heritage_festival_2014">http://www.nativeorleanian.org/new_orleans_jazz_and_heritage_festival_2014</a>
I wandered with Johnny Sansone and Christy up to the right side where we could see pretty good. That's when I noticed the shit eatin grin on Springsteen's face, the dude was havin just a ball and wore it on his sleeves(as he always has). Fortunately I was able to capture a few nice images of “The Boss” that convey something close to what I describe......Jerry ;-) ©2005-2014 Jerry Moran Native Orleanian LLC Many more pics, a few more Springsteen and a musical slideshow will be added to http://www.nativeorleanian.org/new_orleans_jazz_and_heritage_festival_2014